Free Antivirus

May be sometimes we use our computer without a updated Antivirus and some times we are looking for FREE antivirus. You never know when VIRUS can damage your computer hardware and can be corrupt your valuable file. Sometimes free antivirus can’t protect from this problem and if your antivirus is not updated that cant be fight against new virus . It can be slow down your computer may be its can hidden file folder and lot can make lot of abnormal activity.

* So I shall suggest you a purchase Antivirus and always update. and before use any CD/DVD Floppy. Pan drive or any other memory device, shared network downloading and surfing Internet you must scan/Enable with your antivirus. Always Backup your Important Documents/File.

* You can find below, most popular antivirus website. You can use some free version and can be update for a limited time and limited protection. You can buy too. If you want to buy please go to there web site


  1. To protect your self properly from all type of VIRUS which can damage your computer hardware as well as operating system download Free Antivirus Software and upgrade it time to time properly it's so easy and so beneficial.

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